reasons for email validation

With more than half of the world’s population currently owning at least one email address, sending an email is, without a doubt, one of the most valuable and cost-effective tools for doing business.

In fact, through offering a direct connection to existing customers and interested subscribers, the return on investment for emails can be huge – but only if you have a database filled with accurate, active email addresses.


Email marketing has an ROI of 3800% (DMA).

In today’s fast-paced and mobile-driven marketplace, it’s easy for fingers to take over and mistakes to be made, causing a number of incorrect emails to be captured and stored. This not only jeopardises all future contact with a potential customer from the offset, it also impacts your business’ overall productivity and prosperity.

That’s why, here at Data8, we go the extra mile to ensure the highest data quality. Unlike most email validation solutions, our market-leading technology doesn’t just verify if there’s an ‘@’ symbol with characters either side; it carries out live checks to validate if the account is currently active, genuine and deliverable in real-time.

By flagging all potential errors at the point of entry, our award-winning solution provides customers with the opportunity to correct any typos instantaneously. That way, you can rest assured knowing your database only comprises of the most accurate records.


So how can it help you to succeed? Let’s take a closer look…



For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $44 (Campaign Monitor).

Email marketing has a huge return on investment for businesses, and a well thought out strategy will make you money – but it only takes a single mistyped digit to turn a prospective customer into a lost opportunity.

By validating your customer’s data at point of entry – whether they’re signing up or checking out – you’ll seize every opportunity, ensuring the deliverability of future sales, service, and marketing efforts to considerably increase conversions, and gain that substantial ROI.



16% of all emails never make it into the inbox (Email Tool Tester).

Hard bounces occur when a person attempts to send an email to an invalid address, and so a large volume of them (around 5% or above) signals poor email collection and hygiene, thereby sending big red flags to mailbox providers. It’s these negative indicators that are the deciding factors between whether your email is sent to your recipients’ inbox or their spam folder.

By removing all invalid email addresses from your existing database, and validating all future email addresses at point of entry, you’ll considerably enhance your overall deliverability, while reducing your bounce rate. This will make sure all future emails get sent straight into your customer’s inbox, boosting open rates, click through rates and therefore conversion rates.



81% of online shoppers who receive emails based on previous shopping habits were at least somewhat likely to make a purchase as a result of targeted email (eMarketer).

A lot of useful data can be attained from one email campaign, including open rate, click through rate and conversion rate, giving you an in-depth insight into what works with your target audience and what doesn’t. However, if your database holds a number of invalid records, then the statistics you have collected will also be distorted, therefore providing you with an inaccurate perception of your customer’s actions.

By ensuring every email address in your database is currently active and deliverable, you’ll gain more enhanced and accurate customer insight. That way, you can make more informed, and therefore more successful, future marketing decisions.



61% of consumers prefer to be contacted by brands through email (Adobe).

Email is still renowned as the most popular communication channel for consumers, but only if they’ve subscribed to your list, they’re interested in your products and they’re happy to hear from you.

By capturing incorrect email addresses, you risk contacting the wrong recipients – recipients who didn’t subscribe to receive your emails and don’t want to receive your emails. This could have huge implications for the future of your brand – with a number of emails being potentially reported as spam by recipients.

Therefore, by validating every email in real-time, you’re more likely to uphold a stellar sender reputation, preventing future emails from going straight to your recipient’s junk folder and reducing the risk of your organization being completely blacklisted.



49% of consumers said that they would like to receive promotional emails from their favourite brands on a weekly basis (Statista, 2017).

In many cases, customer relationships start with gaining an email address, so by validating all emails in real time, you’re able to deliver unsurpassed customer service without disruption, and provide a smooth experience from the offset.

In fact, if a customer has handed over their email address – whether through signing up or purchasing a product – they’re already showing they’re active interest as existing customers or subscribers. Therefore, by building a strong customer relationship and showcasing some deals in the run-up to the holiday season, they’re more likely to remember you, feel loyal to your brand, and even convert on the day.



You are 6 times more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than you are from a tweet

(Campaign Monitor).

Despite recent advancements in alternative platforms, such as social media, email marketing still prevails in the digital marketing world. In fact, thanks to its huge return on investment, it’s a method that should not be overlooked in the run up to the holiday season.

However, there’s no point spending considerable time and money into creating a first-class email campaign if it’s not going to reach the right recipients, bounce back, or even get lost in their spam mailbox.

By validating your emails in real time, you’ll be able to establish a database complete with accurate, active addresses. Combine this with our market-leading cleansing tools, and you can remove all invalid records in bulk to enhance your customer knowledge, your deliverability and your reputation.

To get started, sign up for a free 14 day trial, or organise a demo with our expert team for a time and date that suits you.

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