Data8 Business Insights: Batch Business Insights

Business Insights can be used in batch, as well as real time. All our batch features will require us to have an active connection to your system.

You will need to register your connection on this webpage and following the steps detailed.


Auto Link Job

Auto Link Jobs are designed to take a table, or a subset of table, and attempt to automatically link each record to a company rather than expecting users to do each record one at a time.


Auto Link Jobs can be found in the “Data8 Business Insights Configuration” model driven app but can be added to any model driven app you require. Start by creating a new job.

A Job has a name – for your reference only, the entity name being used – only entities with a configuration are listed and optionally a filtered view if you only want to run against a subset i.e. “Accounts that don’t have a linked company”. Once these details are input, please save the record – this will inform Data8 you are running a job and we will process accordingly.

Once Data8 have picked up the job, it will switch to “Processing” rather than “Pending”. After it’s finished “Processing”, it will be “Completed” and a “Results” tab will now be visible.

A complete job page will look something like this:


Auto Linked Companies

Auto Linked Companies are the records in which we found a strong match so we automatically made the Business Insights link. If you view the source record i.e. account, the link has been completed.


Companies To Link & Manually Linked Companies

For those records we couldn’t find a single strong match for, we may have found some relatively strong matches or in some cases, we may not find any matches at all.

The intention here is to try and find the best match possible manually, similar to real time Business Insights, but in a way that is quicker to repeat and enables a better matching speed compared to using it record by record.



At the top of the page, click the “Open Link Process” button on the ribbon which will open the matching UI.


If we found any potential matches, they will be listed, and “Suggested Matches” will be displayed. If you don’t like the suggestions, or you have none, select “Manual Search”. This will be pre-populated with the values from the record for you to amend accordingly and find a match.

Once you’ve amended your search and found a satisfactory match, select it and press “Confirm”. This will create the Business Insights link; mark the group you are viewing as complete and move you on to the next group.

If no suitable match is found, you can “Skip” which will move the onto the next group.


Auto Update Job

When a match to Business Insights is made and the data is copied into your system, it’s a static snapshot of that exact moment in time. Over time however that data will degrade – using Auto Update jobs can minimize this degradation and dramatically improve business processes.

Auto Update Jobs can be found in the Data8 Business Insight Configuration model drive app supplied, under the “Batch” header.

Creating a new job will look like this:

Job name is for your reference only but is required.

Entity Name is the table you want to update the companies for – this is required.

Filtered View is an optional additional filter – you may not want to update all companies on a single job.

Once you save the record, a job will start to run.

Once Data8 have picked up the job, it will switch to “Processing” rather than “Pending”. After it’s finished “Processing”, it will be “Completed” and a the “Companies Updated” and “Completed On” fields will be populated.


Auto Update Job Scheduling

Due to the ever-changing nature of business information, you may want to look at scheduling your company updates to ensure they are always up to date without any manual intervention. If you want to do that, you can use the “Data8 Business Insights Auto Update Schedule” table which can be found under the “Schedules” section of the “Data8 Business Insights Configuration” model driven app.



The Auto Update Job Schedule is a helper table designed to automatically create new “Auto Update Jobs”.

Creating a new schedule looks like this:

Name is for your reference only.

Entity Name and Filtered View are the same as “Auto Update Job” and these values will be copied to the automatically generated job.

Frequency is how often you’d like to create a new job – it will default to “Every 6 Months” but this can be changed to one of the following options:

Next run time is when the next “Auto Update Job” will be created. If this date is set in the past upon record creation, then a job will be created a few minutes after saving.

Once the record is saved, we will create a new job at the relevant time. When a new job is made, the “Last Run Time” will be set to the creation date of the new job and the “Next Run Time” will be updated to be the previous “Next Run Time” + “Frequency”.

For example, if you create a new schedule with a 6 month frequency and an initial “Next Run Time” of 01/06/2022 @ 08:00 then a new job will be created and the “Next Run Time” will be updated to 01/12/2022 @ 08:00. Note – should this next date also be in the past, another job will be made and this process will continue until “Next Run Time” is in the future.

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