Preference Services

Stay compliant with UK legislation with Data8 Preference Services incorporating TPS, CTPS, and MPS

numbers are registered on TPS
numbers are registered on CTPS
addresses are registered on MPS

The Telephone Preference Service (TPS), Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS), and Mailing Preference Service (MPS) are lists maintained by the Direct Marketing Association that companies are not allowed to contact for sales and marketing purposes. Stay compliant and avoid fines by using Data8 Preference Services.

Download our Preference Service Data Service Sheet

TPS & CTPS Services

TPS is the UK’s only official ‘Do Not Call’ register for landline and mobile numbers. It allows people and businesses to opt out of unsolicited live sales and marketing calls. CTPS is the equivalent register for businesses. If a number is registered with the TPS/CTPS, you are legally required by the Privacy and Electronic (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 to refrain from calling it unless you have specific permission to do so.  Organisations are required to screen against TPS/CTPS at least once every 28 days.

  • Verify your customer database against our daily updated TPS/CTPS file
  • Safeguard your corporate reputation by avoiding bad publicity
  • Saves valuable telephone operator time

MPS Services 

The MPS Consumer File is a list of names and addresses of consumers who have told us they wish to limit the amount of direct mail they receive. The use of the Consumer File by list-owners and users is a requirement of the British Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing administered by the Advertising Standards Authority. It is also a condition under the Code of Practice of the Data & Marketing Association.
  • Verify your customer database against our monthly updated MPS file
  • Included Deceased MPS
  • Save mailing costs
  • Avoid complaints and possible referral to the ASA due to repeated mailings

Benefits of Data8 Preference Services include:

Stay Compliant

It is a legal requirement to check marketing data against preference services every 28 days. Data8 Preference services ca help you stay on the right side of the law.

Save Time & Money

Maximise the efficiency of your contact strategy by avoiding wasted calls or mail to those who do not wish to be marketed to via those methods.

Always up-to-date

With Data8 Preference services, you can be confident that you are using the most up-to-date TPS, CTPS, and MPS data.

Data Sources

At Data8, we pride ourselves on our data independence. Unlike many of our direct competitors we are not owned or influenced by a major data provider and as such we have access to the widest possible range of industry-leading data sources, including Mortascreen, TBR, NCOA, Royal Mail PAF, BT, the DMA, GAS and More…

Ready to get Started?

We understand that data cleansing can be a daunting task, and knowing where to start can be a big challenge. Which is why we offer three routes to access our solutions and achieve your data goals. 

Whichever route you choose we ensure that your data is safe, secure and compliant at every stage and your Client Success Manager will take you through the findings and support you as we work together throughout the process.


Correct invalid details, standardise addresses and cleanse data with our self-service portal.
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