Business Insights

Using market-leading data sources like Companies House, our Business Insight service give a snapshot into an organisation, highlighting details such as headcount, turnover and credit rating for credit validation reporting.

Our Business Insight service gives users the fastest, most accurate company credit validation reports on over 2.5 million active businesses in the UK, along with many more across Ireland. Allowing you to make more informed trading decisions, discover new business opportunities, and safeguard your organisation from bad debt. It’s also a quick and effective way to capture accurate business details and validate contact information in real time.

At the same time you enter a business name, we simultaneously retrieve a complete company profile, with details such as their full address, registered company and address, group structure, SIC Code, turnover, and number of employees. We also generate quality, comprehensive, financial reports, comprising the company’s credit rating and limit, P&L details, balance sheet and list of directors.

How can Business Insights Support You?

Enhanced Decision Making

Make instant, informed decisions on who to trade with, and ultimately safeguard your organsation from bad debt & dissolved companies

Improved ROI

Prioritise your campaign prospects by company size in terms of turnover and employees, and exclude business records with low creit score to increase conversions.

Enhanced CX & UX

Automatically copmletes and validates all fields; ameding missing information & verifying existing details to ensure accurate data

Happy Customers

Find out more about how we have improved the data quality and customer experience from the brands that have chosen Data8

Key Features of Business Insights

High Quality

Automatically completes and validates all fields; amending missing information and verifying existing details to ensure your database holds accurate, quality and up to date data.

Up to Date

Using market-leading sources like Companies House (BEIS), we update our data daily to deliver accurate business viewpoint and display it in an easy to understand traffic light system.

Instant & Secure

Our service is fast and secure, generating full credit and company background reports in around 2 seconds, compared to many of our competitors who can take over 20 seconds.

Business Insights CRM Integrations

Our credit validation reporting solution, Business Insights is available across a wide range of platforms, check out the ever growing list of native integrations:

Don’t see your platform in the featured list above? Check out our full list of available integrations

Start your Free Business Insights Trial Today

Get Started for Free! All services are subscription-free with no setup fees, and no credit card is required to get started with testing our services.

No Card Details Required

We do not ask for payment details upfront! Our no-obligation trial is totally free for 14 days.

100 Free Credits

You get 100 free credits to trial Business Insights and improve your data capture.

Technical Support

Our team of experts are on hand to help at any point. Can't find what you're looking for, contact us.

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