We are pleased to announce that V3 of the Data8 TPS solution is now available for you to use within your system. The update itself doesn’t come with any new features for existing customers, however, does make the configuration for either new customers or customers looking to migrate from one system to the other easier than ever before.
Previously the tool required advanced CRM users who had an understanding of complex tool such as Plugin Registration Tool, however, this has now all been removed and all configuration can be made directly into the Dynamics platform now without any other tools.
Configuration for TPS and CTPS checking in your system can now be done in minutes and with that includes instant feedback on screen if a number is on the TPS or CTPS, a flag saved against the record explaining if the record is callable or not for use in things like advanced finds and also an overnight cleanse to ensure your data stays compliant moving forward.
If you would like to try the TPS solution in your Dynamics 365 for CE system, please get in touch.