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Marketo Landing Pages
Our Marketo Landing Page integration allows you to add validation and address capture to your forms, by customizing the landing page template.
This integration adds settings to the landing page which can be configured in the variables section of the sidebar.
Copy and paste the code below into your landing page template. Then see the section below on configuring these options to suit your needs.
Validation Code
PredictiveAddress Code
Once you have implemented either or both of the code snippets above into your landing page template, you should be able to see the custom Data8 variables into the variables section of the sidebar on the landing page that the template is applied to. These variables control which services are used, the level of validation to apply, and the error messages you wish to display.

Enter your client-side API key into the D8 API key variable box. To create a client-side API key, create a new API key and add the domain of your marketo landing page to the list of ‘Allowed Domains’.
Enable the services of your choice with the toggles at the bottom of the variables section (must have credits on your account for the services you enable).
Enter any other appropriate configuration options such as D8 Email Level
, D8 Phone Default Country
, or add bank account details or address field id’s into the respective variables. These id’s can be found by previewing the landing page, right clicking on the field in the form and click ‘Inspect’. The field should have an id
attribute based on the field name like ‘BillingStreet’ for example.
You can find the full list of values for the email level
option in the ‘Advanced Configuration Options’ section below. Descriptions for the phone validation options can also be found in the ‘Advanced Configuration Options’ section below.
Advanced Configuration Options
After implementing the code and configuring the options to suit your needs, the relevant address capture and/or validation will be applied to the appropriate fields on your data-capture forms.
Telephone Validation
When Telephone Validation is enabled, all suitable telephone number fields are validated automatically (input fields of type ‘tel’). The Default Country Code option is the ISO 2-character country code or international dialling code of the country to validate the telephone number in, unless that number contains an explicit country code prefix. If entered data is identified as invalid, the error will be highlighted suitably on the form.
Email Validation
When Email Validation is enabled, all suitable email address fields (input fields of type ’email’) are validated automatically. The level of validation to apply to entered email addresses, along with the custom error message to display, can be configured in the settings. See the table below for information on each level. If entered data is identified as invalid, the error will be highlighted suitably on the form.
Email Validation Levels:
Level | Description |
Syntax | The supplied email is checked to ensure that it meets the standard email address format. This is the quickest option and would reject such incorrect email addresses as “noone@nowhere” and “N/A”, but would accept incorrect email addresses that are correctly formed but that do not include a valid domain name such as “[email protected]”. |
Domain | The supplied email is checked to ensure that the domain name (the part to the right of the @ sign) exists and is set up to receive email. This is still normally very quick, but can take a few seconds in some cases. This check would reject incorrectly formatted email addresses in the same way as the Syntax check, and would also reject a misspelled domain name such as “[email protected]”. It can also detect when a domain name exists but does not handle email, such as “[email protected]”. It does not verify that the part of the email address to the left of the @ sign exists. |
Server | In addition to the Domain level checks, validates that at least one of the mail servers advertised for the domain is actually live. |
Address | In addition to the Server level checks, validates that the mail server accepts mail for the full email address. |