United States Postal Service (USPS)

The United States Postal Service (USPS) provides a range of data services, and is a database containing names, previous and new addresses, move type, and move date, and is designed to identify individuals and businesses who have recently moved residences. As of June 2024, the file includes data on millions of address changes recorded over the past four years.

While not legally mandatory, using the file is considered best practice within the industry as this database provides valuable insights for any company aiming to maintain accurate and up to date contact information by capturing the latest address changes, ensuring effective communication with relocated customers and improving overall data quality.



What it is:

The United States Postal Service (USPS) provides the National Change of Address (NCOA) database, which is a data file that enables a company to track individuals who have moved and registered their new address.  This service is vital for companies that need to ensure that their contact lists are up to date by capturing address changes.  The file contains information on individuals, families, and businesses that have filed a change-of-address notice with the USPS. This dataset ensures companies minimise the risk of sending communication to customers who have relocated.

The specific data available within the file typically includes:

  • Full Name: The full name of the individual or business who has moved.
  • Previous Address: The old address of the individual before the move.
  • New Address: The updated address of the individual after the move.
  • Move Type: Indicates whether the move is individual, family, or business.
  • Date of Move: The date when the address change was recorded.


This service is primarily used to update mailing lists with the new addresses of individuals or businesses who have moved, ensuring that mail reaches the intended recipient and reducing the number of undeliverable items.

Legal Compliance

Relevant Regulations:

In the United States, the NCOA file ensures companies comply with regulations such as the Privacy Act of 1974, which governs the handling of personal data by federal agencies, and the CAN-SPAM Act, which sets the rules for commercial email and provides recipients with the right to stop unwanted emails. Although not a direct legal requirement like the GDPR in the EU, utilising NCOA ensures businesses demonstrate their commitment to data accuracy and consumer rights.


Compliance Benefits:

By utilising NCOA, companies can avoid problems associated to undeliverable mail, minimise waste, and maintain consumer trust. While not mandatory, using this service is considered best practice within the direct mail industry and can prevent potential legal issues associated to incorrect data handling by respecting customer privacy preferences and enhancing their brand reputation by maintaining up to date and accurate contact information.

Benefits for Businesses

Operational Benefits:

NCOA improves data accuracy by providing recent address changes, minimising the chances of lost communications with customers who have moved and other communication issues.


Reputational Benefits:

Maintaining accurate contact lists ensures that communications are directed to the correct addresses, preserving a company’s professional image and customer relationships which can lead to increased customer loyalty and trust.


Financial Benefits:

By removing the costs associated with returned mail and improving the effectiveness of marketing and communication campaigns, companies can achieve a higher ROI and reduce operational costs.

Data Collection

Sources of Information:

The NCOA data is maintained and supplied by United States Postal Service.  The primary source of the data is the change-of-address forms submitted by individuals, families, and businesses to the USPS. These forms are submitted when an individual or business relocates and wishes to forward their mail to a new address.


Data Accuracy and Updates:

The NCOA data is updated regularly, typically weekly, to ensure that the information available is as up to date as possible.  Regular updates ensures that contact lists are current and reliable.

Application and Usage

Use Cases:

Businesses use NCOA to cleanse and update their contact lists, so they have the most current addresses for their customers.  This is vital for direct mail marketing, customer service, and other communication campaigns.



Companies can integrate NCOA data into their CRM systems or use it as part of their data cleansing services to routinely check and update their contact lists. This helps maintain the quality and effectiveness of business communications.

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