What3Words & PredictiveAddress

Allow customers to specify an exact 3x3m what3words location within your data capture forms with Predictive Address.

what3words divides the world into 3 metre squares, identifiable by three unique words. Data8 has worked with what3words location to bring this technology to our AI-powered address autocomplete solution Predictive Address™. 

Explore how what3words works, how it can be used with PredictiveAddress™ and its benefits below, and take address accuracy to a whole new level.

With just three little words, any 3mx3m square can be identified. Anywhere on the planet. Customers or CRM/CDP users can refine delivery locations to a front door, back door or even a designated safe place, giving both you and your customers confidence that orders will be delivered to the correct location. As part of the what3words integration with PredictiveAddress™, users can start by inputting their what3words address and street addresses nearest to that location are immediately identified.

Exceed Customer Expectations

With what3words and PredictiveAddress™, go beyond the address and remove the need for free text fields such as ‘Additional Instructions or ‘Note to Driver’. Let customers specify their exact delivery point, even in highly rural locations. The service isn’t just limited to consumer deliveries. Construction companies can allow their customers to specify the exact drop-off point at an address for plant or building materials, so whether you are delivering a TV, mattress, Pizza or even heavy machinery, what3words with PredictiveAddress™ can help you ensure a safe and specific delivery point.

How what3words and PredictiveAddress™ work together

what3words works seamlessly with PredictiveAddress™; as a user starts typing, PredictiveAddress™ uses its AI engine to lookup addresses in real-time. As soon as it detects the user is starting to enter text in what3words format (word.word.word), PredictiveAddress™ recognises this and begins matching the what3words location to a picklist list of suggested addresses within close proximity of that what3words location to enable the user to select their postal address.

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