Our dedicated Charity Sector Specialist, Jo Moss, were able to give Mick the confidence that he was working with a knowledgeable data quality company he could trust for his data cleansing projects.

On 6 June 1844, 22 year-old draper George Williams joined 11 friends to organise the first Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), a refuge of Bible study and prayer for young men seeking escape from the hazards of life on the streets of London. Today, YMCA has grown to serve more than 65 million people in 120 countries regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation or socio-economic background.


YMCA are a very traditional and well-established charity. Many of their supporters have a long-term relationship with the organisation that has been built on trust over many years. Ensuring supporter names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses are correct is critical to the charity in ensuring a high-level of trust is maintained. Underpinning this is a need to work in partnership with a trusted data quality management company.

Around 12 months ago, YMCA appointed Mick Brophy as Head of Data and Supporter Services. Mick is extremely passionate about Data Quality and views every element of a supporters record as a valuable asset. With this mindset, Mick set about improving the overall quality of their addresses with the primary objective of maintaining that close relationship between the charity and its supporters.

This meant auditing all addresses within their CRM to ensure they were complete, correct and in a consistent format. In addition, it was important to identify deceased and goneaways by utilising the right services.


YMCA was given an in-depth tour of our online cleansing portal, Data8 Online to understand the full capabilities of the system. Through this deep dive, they were able to see how it could really meet their expectations with regards to maintaining good quality data and their aim of driving engagement and loyalty amongst YMCA’s supporter database. They were able to see how different services such as address formatting, identifying movers, deceased and goneaways could improve data quality.

Mick had several questions around address formatting to PAF Standard for multiple residence properties such as flats. To assist, our Technical Director Richard Hartland stepped in with a comprehensive guide as to how Data8 Online handled these queries and with the assistance of our dedicated Charity Sector Specialist, Jo Moss, were able to give Mick the confidence that he was working with a knowledgeable data quality company he could trust.


For YMCA, trust is key not only between the charity and its supporters but also the data quality company they work with. The quick and comprehensive response to questions, the user-friendly nature of Data8 Online and the high level of support received from the whole team at Data8 was a winning combination for the charity. As a result of this, YMCA is now introducing more regular data cleaning and will be reviewing previously flagged gone-aways for re-activation.

Richard Hartland in Technical provided us with a very comprehensive answer around PAF formatting for multiple residence properties, and really helped us to understand the system better. We couldn't be happier with the service we have received from both Richard and Jo.

Solutions used by YMCA

Multiple Residence Address Data

Data for multiple Residence properties is essential in today’s online shopping environment to ensure that your package is delivered to the right address, within the right building. This helps reduce the chances of the mailings going missing or being received by the wrong person. More importantly, it helps ensure that a customer remains loyal to you as you have their address!

Data Suppression Services

Data8 Suppression services allow you to identify individuals who are gone-away or deceased and provide new mover addresses. We also provide screening against the Mailing Preference Service (MPS), Telephone Preference Service (TPS), Corporate Telephone Preference Service and Baby Mailing Preference Service (BMPS).

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